Had nasi lemak at home yesterday.
Friday, June 29, 2007
Thursday, June 28, 2007
Posted by
7:30 PM
Wednesday, June 27, 2007
This is my favourite chicken rice store in town.
Its situated somewhere near Kelana Jaya, not exactly sure what that area is called. At lunch time, the nearby office crowd always flock to this restaurant in droves and ensures its brisk business.
What's special about this chicken rice is that you get to drink unlimited soup. They have a big pot of soup there and for the soup you get to serve yourself with the bowls they provide. So you can drink however much you want.
But what's so special about the soup then?
Well, if you like chicken feet, like I do, then its awesome. Unlimited chicken feet. Fu Yoh!
Look at the amount of chicken feet in that bowl of soup. And it comes at no extra charge. Unlimited somemore. Just go serve yourself another bowl of this goodness.
And of course, we can't forget about the main thing itself, which is the chicken. Very juicy and succulent (means fat). Haha.
Posted by
12:05 PM
Monday, June 25, 2007
Jogoya! Where the food is good and cheap! I kid, its actually damn expensive.
No matter.
Situtated in Starhill Gallery, its no wonder that everything there is expensive. RM 88++. But when I think of the AUD$37 Peking Duck that my friends had the other day, then I don't feel too bad.
Apparently I wasn't allowed to take pictures of the food on display and they stopped me from doing so after that.
We could take as many of these as we wanted! Unfortunately we had no access to the coconut flesh inside it. What a waste.
Eating that plate of sashimi and other stuff was extremely liberating. After so long.
And I've finally satisfied my craving for Unagi Don. If you've been following my blog for a while, you'd know that my favourite Japanese restaurant in Melbourne has closed down. They served the best Unagi Don I've had in Melbourne.
So here in Jogoya, being a buffet, I ordered so many pieces of grilled Unagi. Each order only had one piece, and I think I actually ordered about 10 or more. Fuyoh!
And I somehow got some rice from elsewhere and made my own Unagi Don. Heh heh.
My theory for eating in buffets is not to eat your money's worth, but rather, know in your mind what you want to eat before hand and have plenty of that, and not let other stuff distract you from your primary objective. And I'm glad to say, I achieved that yesterday. Good stuff.
Posted by
2:23 PM
Saturday, June 23, 2007
Thursday, June 21, 2007
Food update!
Here's some of the fare that I've sampled since I've got back.
This plate cost me RM 14.90 leh. Expensivenya. But when I ate this I was already too full. So I can't really give an unbiased opinion. Too full from eating 2 packets of this:
RM 1.70. Fuyoh. Quite good. Love it.
No lah, I wasn't in Ipoh. This one is from Jalan Gasing in PJ. So maybe not as authentic. I cannot say. Haha.
Not as good as I would've liked it to be. Too dry and hard. These people no skill in frying Maggi.
Normal only. But I don't normally eat Lum Mee. So had to eat it.
Now this was good.
The best of the lot. Awesome. Absolutely delectable. The meat was extremely tender and succulent. Even the fact that I had an extremely full stomach did not deter me from digging into this.
Posted by
11:01 AM
Monday, June 18, 2007
Riddle Me This
A boy hit his head and suffered from severe head injuries with profuse bleeding. His father then took the boy to the emergency department and they were sitting there waiting when the neurosurgeon walked in and exclaimed, while pointing at the boy, "That's my son!"
How could this be?
Posted by
2:17 PM
Labels: Random
Sunday, June 17, 2007
Due to some inexplicable reasons, today, 3 days after my arrival in Malaysia, I find myself in, suprise surprise, of all places, Singapore.
Got to meet up with Sue for about 20 minutes only. But being the kind soul she was, she actually drove us all the way back to the airport. Thank you Sue!
I wonder if these are the takoyakis that Jon has been talking about. It certainly does taste better than the ones in Jaya Jusco in KL though.
Just to prove that I was actually there. ;p
Posted by
1:57 AM
Saturday, June 16, 2007
Was in Sunway Pyramid today and as I was leaving, I saw this on my car's windscreen.
They have cleaned it wor. How come they so free wan?
Posted by
12:20 AM
Friday, June 15, 2007
Wednesday, June 13, 2007
I'll be doing my AMS next semester at the Royal Talbot Rehabilitation Centre. Been trying out lots of different public transports to get me there, but I realised that the public transport to the place is not good at all.
I have take a bus, then a train to a different stop where I catch yet another train, and then a 40 minute scenic walk in some park, which involves me crossing a river on a creaky one-path bridge, hiking through a jungle trail, walking uphill and then downhill before finally reaching where I want to go.
Of course, this is only the sign. I still have to walk further before actually getting there.
Posted by
9:33 AM
Tuesday, June 12, 2007
Medicine 3rd year farewell party
The one problem about leaving to go back home to Malaysia after the exams is that it is during the holidays that your friends who are not going back, actually arrange some outings. Being the one who has been complaining all along that our Malaysian group who came together to Melbourne has been losing our unity and togetherness, I feel sad that I will be unable to join them on whatever events that they have planned. And this sadness is magnified given the fact that we won't have classes together anymore.
It was the 3rd year med farewell party last night. People mainly went to take pictures. I shall put some up here but due to the large number of pictures I have I cannot put them all up. Also most of the pictures were of someone else and me, and putting all those up would be too repetitive for my linking and I don't want to appear like Shian Feng (Haha, its reverse publicity, so please don't get angry). In the interest of fairness, I shall also try to put up pictures of people whom I am less likely to be able to meet up again from now on, or have never appeared on my blog before. Very sorry to those who miss out.
Chiu, Henry, me, and Allan.
Henry again, Patrick, Nicole, Hui Ling, me.
That's Melissa. The whole reason I put this up was to highlight one of her blog posts. Take particular note of the comments. Hilarious.
Jingyi here will be going back to Sydney to do her AMS year. Means no chance at all for a random bumping in the street.
The last 3 pictures are of people whom I still expect to be able to see fairly often, hopefully.
Min Shik. Korean guy from Malaysia. Don't see too many of them around heh. Supports the wrong club. And we both have the exact same camera.
Tried to leave early to catch the last tram home but failed. Thus had to walk home. Took my 40 minutes. Did a ridiculous amount of walking today. 2 hours of walking in total. Mindblowing.'
You can check out other blogs about the same event here:
Posted by
1:37 AM
Labels: Australia, Medical Friends
Saturday, June 9, 2007
As I was walking back to college the other day, returning from my final exam paper, I felt as free as a bird. I felt as if a big weight that I had never realised was there had been lifted off my chest. It was as if it had accumulated so insidiously that you I just never did realise it was there all along. And the sense of being free was liberating. However, the joy that I expected that I would feel didn't arrive. Instead, I sort of felt a bit sad.
Without exams to keep my mind occupied, it now wandered to other thoughts. Thoughts that I think were there all along, close to the surface, ready to emerge, had I but spared a moment to actually consider and ponder their meaning and implications. The fact that a lot of us will not actually meet up again on a daily basis saddens me.
Semester 5 has officially ended. That means two and a half years since I first came to Melbourne. Seems like a long time, but consider the fact that we still have three and a half years left. One year of AMS research followed by another two and a half years of clinicals. For the AMS research year, most people are doing different units, and some are going overseas to do theirs as well. For the clinical years, we are divided into a few different clinical schools. The final opportunity to actually get together as a whole group of medical students will come and go this Monday, when we have our third year farewell dinner.
I suppose that's what human nature is all about. We always want what we do not have, and when we do get it, we want even more and fail to appreciate what we have already got. I'm sure not many of us actually enjoyed going to lectures every day. I'm definitely not one of the people who enjoys lectures, however, I actually appreciated them for the opportunity for us to get together as a group, which gives us a sense of community, a sense of togetherness, even if I do not actually know a lot of my coursemates. Now that we don't have anymore lectures as a group, I wonder how many people will actually miss the lectures for the simple fact that we won't have any opportunity to get together anymore. Or am I just one of the minority?
Posted by
11:19 PM
Labels: Australia, Medical Friends, Random
Monday, June 4, 2007
Party Pies
Ah! The beginning of the week of exams. Starts tomorrow, ends on Friday.
And for today's breakfast:
Posted by
9:19 AM
Friday, June 1, 2007
I have a one week study break before having 4 exams next week, after which I'm done for Semester 5.
That means I really don't have anything to talk about.
But for the sake of not wanting to keep this page stagnant, I shall put some pictures up.
First, we have apples.
Then, some bananas.
And to top it all up, one nice juicy red apple.
Posted by
11:38 PM